Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Hi, Its me, God. SURPRISE!"

99.9% - what does that mean?  It means its pretty sure, but there's still that itty bitty chance.  That sliver of a chance gave us the surprise of a lifetime.

I've been absent from the blogging world for a while because I have felt horrible.  It has taken everything I had to keep myself & the kids clean & fed, and well, that was about my days.  I was so exhausted from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning throughout the entire day.  I had heard about a woman's thyroid being messed up after birth.  I was tired of being tired and was planning to head to the doctor the next day to get things checked out.  That night, I was hit with food poisoning or a stomach virus.  Brandon was sick, too.  It was horrible.  I haven't felt so bad in a long time.  The next day, Brandon was back 100%, but I wasn't.  The next day... still sick.  And the next.  And the next.  And the next.  I didn't see an end in sight.

Several days later as I was in tears from being so miserable, I was talking to Brandon about all the symptoms that was wrong with me.  Exhaustion.. check!  Nausea.. check!  Aches & pains.. check!  Wait, I've experienced this before.  Now when was it?!  Oh my, it can't be.  It just can't be.

A few tests later & yep, you guessed it.. we're expecting.

Now I had never had a surprise pregnancy before.  We tried & tried for Olivia.  We tried & tried for Jameson.  We knew we would never be that couple that just on a whim, takes a test & BAM.  Never say never!  Brandon was done with kids.  I was done for a good 4 or 5 years & then we would revisit the subject.  All the cards were in our favor.  Protection, breastfeeding, and a medical condition after Jameson that is said to cause difficulties conceiving.  Add all that up & you still get a positive result, are you crazy!

To say the least, we were shocked.  Didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do.  We just knew that God must have thought this little baby needed us and needed us now.  Or more than likely, we needed it.

At 7 weeks, I went to the doctor to confirm.  At 8 weeks, we had our first ultrasound.  One baby, strong heartbeat, & as it turns out it shows we're not 8 weeks, we're 11 weeks.  Hallelujah.  This pregnancy has been the pits so far.  You take my sickness from my first two pregnancies, add them up, multiply it by 10, & its been worse than that.  I swear I think I've met death a time or two.  So I'm holding out hope that since I'm nearing the end of trimester uno, I'm nearing the end of death (I'm serious, that's the only adjective I can use to describe it).  Thank my sweet baby Jesus for my dear hubby.  He works like crazy & spends every second of free time doing everything for our kids & doing everything for our house.  He's been pretty amazing & has stepped up beyond expectations.

As soon as we found out we were pregnant, our first thought was "it could be another April baby."  When we were trying for Jameson, I once said I would rather not have another April baby since Olivia's birthday is in April.  Olivia's birthday is April 10th, Jameson's is April 15th.  (Don't tell God your plans, he'll laugh).  So this time around it turns out we're due May 4th.  That means if this baby comes just a few days earlier, all 3 of our kiddos will be April babies (obviously I'm only fertile one time a year. hahaha).  Should prove to be interesting. :)

Alright, this is about all the time I have before sickness strikes again.  I hope you all are enjoying the story of our lives because every day proves to be interesting around here.  :)

Happy Tuesday, folks!

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