Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jonathan turns *ONE*

A BIG happy FIRST birthday to the sweetest little nephew ever, Jonathan Michael Rusinko!!

This past Friday we headed up to D.C. for Jonathan's birthday party.  Now as I've mentioned.. my babies are turning into world class travelers.  We had to leave around 3pm Friday afternoon & got to D.C. around 10pm (with a few stops along the way).  Olivia & Jameson did so good on the trip.

Saturday was PARTY day.  Crystal & Jim had pretty much done everything, so we were just lazy around the house until the party started at 4pm.  It was a pool party/Mickey theme (Jonathan LOVES Mickey mouse).  Before the party, I was a little worried how Olivia would do.  Twice this year she had been afraid to go remotely close to a pool (last year she was the definition of a water baby).  But Brandon just pretty much put her in the pool & she was great, never showed fear once.  In fact, she started jumping in with anyone that would catch her.  And then she jumped once when no one was there to catch her (talk about scaring a momma, this was all in a kiddie pool, thank heavens).  She really wanted to go to the big pool for some reason, & Brandon took her once.  Then she liked it better where she could stand.  She was a little fish, I tell ya.

Jonathan was ADORABLE.  He was so comfortable with the water & was as pleasant as could be(especially since he was stubborn & did not take his afternoon nap, but you would have never known it).  He indulged in his fair share of pizza & Mickey cake.  & then the kiddos continued to swim the afternoon away.  The party was a big hit, makes me wish I had a summer baby myself (God only likes the month of April for me, especially the second/third week, Olivia's is the 10th, Jameson's the 15th).

We stayed Saturday night & headed back Sunday morning, again with no major meltdowns or anything in the 6 1/2 hour car ride.  Jonathan made it his first year, & we're excited to be with him through many many MANY more years.

We love you, Jonathan!!
Love, Tori, Brandon, Cousin Livi, & Baby Jameson

She looks so grown up in this picture

My own little handsome fella

Mommy & her little man
Miss Olivia ready to swim

Sisters <3

DELICIOUS birthday cake

Cute cake Crystal made for Jonathan

I think he likes it. :)

Little firefighter - like Uncle Mikey

He LOVES this thing

Presents galore!!

Who could not love that face?! :)

Birthday boy hanging by the pool

All his cousins checkin' out his loot

Livi & Jackson chattin' it up

A little help from Dad to get from one side to the other

Jonathan & his wonderful mommy

Daddy getting some kisses from his girl

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