Monday, June 27, 2011

VBS 2011

Mt. Olive Bible School was a HUGE success.  Livi absolutely loves going to church, & this week has made her love it that much more.  I'm so thrilled she'll get to go as she grows up.  I know it was always a favorite memory of mine going to many bible schools throughout the neighborhood.

This year's theme was "Hallelujah Hop," a 50s/Soda Shop theme.  The decorations were out of this world amazing.  Livi was in the Toddler group.  I was excited for this year since she was able to participate more.  She did so well every night, acted like such a big girl.  It made me proud, but yet sad because she really didn't need ole mom around (and in fact, sometimes she didn't want ole mom around).

Their craft was making a rug from old T-shirts, something fascinating to see.  However since we are dealing with toddlers here, us moms made the majority of their craft.  We didn't quite finish, so I guess ours is more of a placemat. haha!

Snacks are always yummy with cheeseburgers, pizza, chicken nuggets, cookies & chips galore.  Mom & Dad enjoyed snack time since we were always rushing out the door without dinner to not be late for VBS, Olivia would rather play.  I don't think she even knew it was snack time sometimes.  But after some bites she swallowed whole, she gleefully made her way to the play area each night, followed by countless trips on the train.

Class time with a bunch of toddlers could easily turn into the next natural disaster.  But it really didn't.  Ms. Kim (her teacher) does an amazing job & can get the rowdiest of kids attention easily.  She learned about the plague (which she loved the rubber frog they gave her), David & Goliath, & Moses & the Red Sea.

What a cute idea.. they loved this.

Recreation was so much fun & a time where I was really impressed with her.  Of couse the games weren't complicated, but Olivia followed directions & really got into the competitive spirit (just like her daddy) more than I was anticipating.  I think her favorite was the relay race with the hula hoop (or the hoop-a-loop as Olivia likes to refer to it as).

Music was probably by far her favorite.  This kid can shake what her momma gave her like none other (you're very welcome, my child).  She loves to sing & dance like she gets paid for it.  & on the final night, she definitely put on a show.  I was so proud.  :)

My absolute favorite story of the whole week was from her dear friend, Zeke.  Background:  Zeke goes to children's church with her each Sunday and if she wasn't two, I swear I would see the hearts in her eyes when it comes to him.  She talks about him non-stop & they are quite inseparable sometimes at church.  So anyway, back to the story.  To & from recreation, we rode the church bus to the Christian school field.  Brandon was carrying Olivia on the bus when he sees a seat open beside Zeke.  Brandon asks Zeke "Zeke buddy, do you mind if we sit with you?"  He replies with a look and a "well.. she can".  haha!!  The moment was hilarious, & Brandon decided maybe it was best if he did sit in between them two. haha!  I don't know how she'll feel when he tries to sit with her & boys when she's 16 or so.

Uh oh, I think Brandon should be preparing himself. haha*

Commencement came on Thursday & Olivia did GREAT.  She loves to perform & the crowd didn't bother her a bit.

The week was great & I always look forward to VBS so much.  Each year just gets better & better.  This was the church sign at the end of VBS & it couldn't sum it up any better.