Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A whole lot of nothing..

What CRAZY weather we've been having... one minute its record-breaking heat, the next it's a monsoon outside.  In order to deal with the heat, we broke out the water table a few times this week to cool off.

Something new we've tried this week is the *Chore Chart*.  Now granted, Olivia is only 2, but its not like "brushing you teeth" is really that much of a chore.  But it is teaching her that she has responsibilities around the house, too, and she loves it when she gets to check something off.  Brandon comes home in the evenings & she reads off everything she's done that day.  Its really worked out so far, let's hope the chore chart keeps up through the teenage years.  Riiiiight!

This is her picture she drew for Brandon on this day.  Who knows what its remotely suppose to be, but she walked around half the day with it in her hand telling both myself & Jameson "this is for daddy, this is for daddy."  I think even Jameson got the point that her picture was for Daddy. haha!
(and yes, it does have some C's on it, we've been going over letters & that day it was C.)

Not much has been going on with Jameson.  It seems he is back to his normal "spit-up everything imaginable," despite the medicine.  This leads to the vicious cycle of "he's hungry.. he spits-up... he's hungry again.. he spits-up....".  We go back to the specialist Wednesday so we're going to be looking for more answers then.  May be increasing his calorie intake through various ways (which does no good if he's going to spit-it all back up).  Well, I really don't know what she'll do, I guess we'll have to wait & see.  Regardless of the never ending laundry & the constant smell of regurgitated milk, he's still the absolute best baby.. never really fussy, sleeps great.  He's been holding his head great and can almost roll over when he wants to.. I expect it to be any day now.  Why do our babies have to grow so fast?!!

I know I put this on my facebook, but it was too cute not to put in my blog as well.
Livi gets a sticker for going potty & this is where I find it. She runs up & says "Bubby's a pirate.". This is for all you people who said Olivia was a great big sister.. riiight! Haha! :)  Poor fella!

I would consider this week to have been quite calm in comparison to past.  Not that many doctor appointments, not a lot of places to go, I think we stayed home more this week than we have in months & it has felt amazing!  The babies & I have spent a lot of time playing & reading and it reminded me just how much I love being a stay-at-home mommy.  My children are my world & I'm so thankful for this time I get to spend with them.  God has definitely sent us two of his greatest blessings, that's for sure.

Until next time... :)

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